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How Long Does It Take To Get Social Security Disability?

If you are disabled – especially if you are disabled and unable to work – you may feel anxious about how you’re going to continue to pay your bills, provide for your family, and continue to cover expenses for the medical treatment that you desperately need. That anxiety is completely understandable. You may have applied for, or are considering applying for, Social Security Disability benefits. You may also be wondering – how long does that process take? It’s a reasonable question to ask.

The legal system can often be complex and frustrating – there’s no question about that. Especially when you need benefits quickly, it can be difficult to wait. Certainly, each claim will be slightly different, so there isn’t a definite timeline on receipt of benefits. There are, however, a few helpful things to keep in mind.

  • At a minimum, it will take at least five months to receive benefits. Typically, it takes between three and five months to receive an initial decision on your application.
  • Often, an applicant’s initial claim is denied. Don’t panic, though. While this happens frequently, it doesn’t mean that you’ll never be approved for benefits.
  • If your initial claim is denied, you’ll need to file an appeal. It can take about six to eight months for a hearing to be scheduled as part of the appeals process.
  • If you appeal, following the appeal, you’ll have to wait for a decision. Depending upon the complexity of your claim, this may take additional months of time as well.
  • Once you have been approved to receive benefits, there is a mandatory five-month waiting period. This waiting period generally starts with the date that Social Security determines that you became disabled. Your first payment of benefits will start on the sixth full month after that date. Keep in mind, however, that if you have been waiting for some time for your application to be approved, you will not have to wait an additional five months for benefits. The five-month waiting period begins on the date your disability began – not the date that your claim was approved or the date you applied.

Without question, waiting for benefits can be difficult, especially when bills keep coming in. As the process can be time-consuming, it is important to get started as soon as possible, and to hire a talented legal team to help you. A knowledgeable and experienced SSD attorney can streamline the process, and help you pursue the best legal strategies as you seek the benefits you need and deserve.

Here for You

When you are disabled and in need of benefits, waiting can be very difficult. There’s simply no question about it. That’s why you need a legal team on your side who can help you to ensure that you move through the application process as efficiently and effectively as possible. At The Clauson Law Firm, we are here to help you do exactly that. We know and understand the law, and we’re ready to put that knowledge to work on your behalf. If you’re ready to get started too, there’s no time like now to do so.


Francis Babet loves pursuing excellence through writing and has a passion for Legal. He currently writes for The law Firm, a USA Based Law Firm that provides SSD, SSI, SSDI, Personal Injury, and Drugs and Devices. His work has been published on various sites related to Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income and more.

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